Water leakage is one of the most common as well as frustrating fridge-related issues that bog down people. Most of the household members do a lot of things to get rid of this mess, but in most of the cases, their efforts fail. This is where the professional companies that offer fridge repairs in Mosman and Homebush come into the picture.
Indeed, if you are to stop this frustrating phenomenon, Commercial Fridge Repairs is the name to put money on. Our techies take a wide range of steps to prevent water leakage.
How do they fix the issue?
Well, let’s start with something elementary.
Levelling the Refrigerator
Check the frontal legs of the fridge and see if they are at level with the hind ones. If not, then the fridge has been standing in a tilt-forward position, resulting in the water leakage. Water runs from inside the fridge into the drain hole, and then drip into the pan that is placed underneath.
From there, it gets evaporated. If the fridge is tripped forward, albeit minimally, this flow and evaporation of water get hindered, causing the water to flow out.
In these cases, you need to summon a techie from a company that offers fridge repairs in Penrith. The expert would unscrew the frontal legs of the fridge by a couple of turns to raise them a bit.
Cleaning the Drain Hole
Water at times flows out of the fridge due to a clogged drain hole. In that case, adjusting the legs will not give any positive results.
The techie you have summoned will locate the drain tubes at the rear end of the fridge. They will insert a small plastic tube or a typical pipe cleaner well through the tube.
Now they would pour a mild solution of ammonia and soapy water down the tube. This will eliminate all the bacteria. Now, they would use a syringe or a turkey base to squeeze the water into the hole.
Now the drain pan needs to be checked. The pros would do this by removing the grill and check whether the soapy water has drained into it. If not, then they would push the pipe cleaner or the tube into the drainpipe further till the very end and then flush the hole water once again. This will solve the issue.
So you have seen, taking care of this particular issue, though not rocket science it a technical one. One false step and you will only further complicate things. That is the reason you need to put your stakes on a professional company that offers fridge repairs in Kellyville and Campbelltown. They will follow these steps and impeccably provide solutions.
What better name can you opt for in this regard than Commercial Fridge Repairs? We come up with the best service at a pocket-friendly price.
For further details, feel free to get in touch with us at 0452 525 914. We work for 24×7.