Fridge Repairs Greenacre

How to Place a Refrigerator to Minimise Fridge Repairs?

There are instances when people using refrigerators fail to make the most of it due to a trivial issue like wrong placement of the appliance. Over that, due to wrong placement of the fridge, it suffers more than normal depreciation, raising the need for frequent fridge repairs.

That is the reason, the fridge has to be placed at a proper position so that it runs optimally and you can minimise the frequency of its repairs. Thus, on this page, let us discuss the tips of placing the fridge at the right position to minimise fridge repairs in Greenacre or anywhere else.

Keep It Away From Sources of Heat

You must keep the sources of heat like conventional ovens, microwaves, radiators even direct sunlight, as these sources can directly affect the energy efficiency of your refrigerator, and potentially curtain its functional longevity. If and when your fridge comes in contact with a constant heat source, it has to run more often than normal for maintenance of appropriate internal temperatures, causing excessive depreciation.

There Should Be Plenty of Space Available

You should always set up your fridge in close proximity of enough available space. This will help your fridge to ‘breathe’ freely, and allow uploading of groceries in a prompt way. This means, the door of your fridge will remain open for a lesser period of time, creating less impact on temperature variation. This will ensure that your fridge faces much lesser depreciation, and needs less frequent and less elaborate fridge repairs in Kingswood or elsewhere near Sydney.

TThere Should Be Adequate Ventilation

All refrigerators need ventilation to a certain degree, and the type of ventilation will determine the ventilation requirements. Thus, if your fridge does not have adequate ventilation, its compressor will run continuously, due to perpetual accumulation of warm air. This will affect the lifespan of the appliance pretty hard. That is the reason, our experts offering fridge repairs in Penrith would suggest a well ventilated space of at least 200 sq cms with no upper limits. Larger and better ventilated space will result in a better energy efficiency of your fridge.

Consider the Configuration and Ergonomics of Your Refrigerator

Though this point has hardly anything to do with the installation of your refrigerator, this point has to be taken into account account, as the configuration and ergonomics of your fridge will affect its performance. When you choose refrigerators with bottom mounts or French doors, it will prevent you from having to kneel down, as the fridge is above the height of your waist. Thus, it will help you to perform the task fast and with ease. This will also help you to keep your fridge door open for less time and complete your task, helping your fridge to consume less energy, thereby increasing its efficiency.

Consider the Capacity of the Refrigerator

Again, this has nothing to do as such with the installation of your fridge, but certainly, it has something to do with the frequency of the repairs. When you purchase your refrigerator, you must take into consideration the size of your household, and your lifestyle and eating habits. This ensures you have opted for the right fridge that will run normally and not depreciate, leading to frequent repairs.

If you still face issues with your fridge, get in touch with us at Commercial Fridge Repairs if you are in and around Sydney, as we are the best. Call us to book an appointment.