Tag Archives: repair services

How Much Time Does Your Ice-Maker Take To Make Ice?-A Knowledge Base

Ice is an integral part of every grown-up drinking gala. Even the worse of cocktails can become consumable by adding two or three cubes of ice- doesn’t it? If you use your ice-maker for 2-3 drinks and other smoothies every day, then there is very less chance that you will know how long the ice-maker … Continue reading How Much Time Does Your Ice-Maker Take To Make Ice?-A Knowledge Base

Refrigerator Thermostat Issues that Need Immediate Attention!!

A refrigerator is an electrical device that provides convenience in storing foods and other perishables effectively at home. It helps in ensuring that the dishes or cuisines being prepared stay fresh for consumption later on. It is because of the refrigerators that homemakers shop for once or twice in the entire week. As long as … Continue reading Refrigerator Thermostat Issues that Need Immediate Attention!!